I never thought I would have a problem getting enough protein considering I LOVE MEAT :) But apparently that isn't really a factor, so my personal trainer recommended I use shakes to suppliment. The one he named is EAS Avantedge-Carb control and its fine but on my little sheet that he gave me I should be getting 25-35g of…
I'm wrong:laugh:
I bought the dvd and some 8lb weights and I am all gungho about starting buttttt I'm kinda worried. First Jillian is insane, I threw my back out just watching one of her kettlebell workouts lol and second I have a tear in my Meniscus in my right knee which sometimes when stressed or aggravated will cause my knee to lock…
Ok, I am needing some advise on pills..a few days ago I took a sample packet of some stuff called Meltdown. It gave me an amazing burst of energy, like even I had the energy and modivation to clean my house, go running, and play with my kids lol It lasted about 6 hours and there was no "crash", I didn't feel like I was…
To keep me motivated and offer support and also receive those things from me: ) I'm a single mama of twins who's main fitness issues are not eating enough and not exercise lol I'm ready to drop this embarrassing fat that I have been carrying for at least 15 years.