need a bit of advice on 30DS

I bought the dvd and some 8lb weights and I am all gungho about starting buttttt I'm kinda worried. First Jillian is insane, I threw my back out just watching one of her kettlebell workouts lol and second I have a tear in my Meniscus in my right knee which sometimes when stressed or aggravated will cause my knee to lock and extreme pain (kinda like someone literally shoving a knife through the back of my knee and leaving it there) also it stays locked for 8-10 hrs and leaves me basically unable to move. Well I guess my point is am I stupid for even wanting to try 30DS? Is there any hope for me? Lol any advice would be appreciated; )


  • spaztastic13
    Just do what u can and take it easy....thats what i do!!!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Umm definitely do not do 30DS now then, not until your knee is all better!
    You jump around a lot and you even have to do knee rolls.
  • aferbet
    aferbet Posts: 124
    I am just about finished with my first 30 day shred challenge-it's been tough. I love how I feel when it's over i've really accomplished something. Having said that, you may run into issues with your knee. Level one she actually has a warm up exercise for the knees, but the workout has a lot of squat moves in it. Also, 8 pound weights may be a bit too heavy. I have a set of 5 lbs and a set of 2 lbs that I switch between. Some of the moves my 5 lbs are too heavy for.

    Good luck in your decision!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I think you should start it with 5lb weights. If you can do it with 5lbs no sweat.......then try your 8lb weights. There are some hard the squat when you pull up your arms to a V..................pretty difficult if you're not used to working those muscles.... and who is really??? Good luck!!
  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    The cardio she has you do may be hard on your knees. A lot of jumping jacks/jump rope. Just take it easy, you wouldn't want to injure yourself even more.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    1. Jillian is REALLY hard on the knees--most of her moves involve lunching, jumping or squatting. If you do decide to press onwards with her, pay ALOT of attention to your form and make sure your knee doesn't go ahead of your toes. I've been working out with various Jillian videos for the last 5 months (4 months? whatever) and find my 5lbs to be good for most moves, and more than I can handle for some of them. I'm sure you are in way better shape than my wimpy *kitten*, but 8 is pretty optimistic to start out with, I think...
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I do think you should get lighter weights, I used 5lb weights and struggled with some of the moves at the end. Don't overdo it, you don't want to hurt yourself and then get nothing from the 30DS. I completed it and lost 6.6 lbs and 5", everyones results are different I'm not new at the exercise thing, and I think if I would have been, I would have had and even bigger loss. But, just don't feel pressured to do the advanced version, If you take your time and do less full motion movements, than more half motion movements you'll get better results. It will get easier about the third day.
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you all!! In response to several of your statements: my knee will prolly never heal without surgery and that will only happen if it gets to the point where I can't function in everyday life, I have heard to many problems arising out of surgery on weight bearing joints...don't want to make it worse than it is or need a walker when I'm 40, don't have the option to slow down lol I will get some lighter weights just had no clue what to get and have always had the mentality of go hard or go home, but I don't wanna hurt myself just impatient to get where I wanna be; )