Help With Weight Gain & Eating Healthy?
So I am 92 lbs and 5'3 and trying to gain weight. My goal is 100 lbs and I've gotten really close before, 98 lbs, but then I just lose all the weight again. This has been happening for a while- I will be 95 lbs and steadily gaining, but all of a sudden drop down to 90 lbs, and then I will a gain a few pounds and then lose…
Low Blood Sugar But No Idea What is Causing It??
So I was taking several blood tests the other day to test my levels of magnesium, vitamin D, and phosphorous. While they were measuring those levels at the lab, they also discovered I had low glucose levels (blood sugar levels). They thought this might have been caused by the blood sample sitting too long before they…
Dairy Intolerance With Acceptions??
So I have a dairy intolerance, but I'm experimenting with new foods because I got tested and I don't have a real lactose intolerance, but my stomach hurts alot when I drink milk :( I can drink Pediasures, which are classified as lactose free(but have whey protein and milk protein concentrate in them) and greek yogurt and…