Wanting to be more active on here and would like anyone to add me for some weight loss support. Currently looking to lose 30 pounds in total, but my first goal starting today is ten pounds within the next 85 days when my guy comes home. Just had a baby and gained more than I should have and want him to see a different me…
I ate like a slob today. I need to burn 200 calories to break somewhat even. Any suggestions on something I can do? I did my kettlenetics 20 min instruction video and that wasn't too bad, and then I walked a little bit ago for forty five minutes. I walk pretty fast, so I felt the burn. I want to do something I can do at…
Anyone have great luck with this DVD? I am starting it tomorrow. The workouts are twenty minutes, and I think I'm going to include walking after work with it just to get me moving.
Does anybody have a video they would like to share? I feel like sometimes when everyone has taken over a TV, it's nice just to take my laptop and do something. I did a kettle bell one today that was great! I want to continue to use it as much as possible. lol
Hi y'all. I am Kimmy and I am currently trying to lose ten to fifteen pounds. My bff is getting married Nov 9th so I am trying hard for at least ten. I live in Va, and I am just getting back into the workout game. I lost a child in March, and since then I've been all over the place with my eating. I'm ready to change my…