It's all my fault, I didn't do a real cool down and stretch post workout, I just want to find some achey buddies. Don't care if it's from a hard leg day or carrying your baby. I feel like **** and misery really loves company and I don't have a Jacuzzi.
Does anyone have a magic poutine recipe that isn't over 700 cals but still taste delicious? I've been some cheesy, gravy soaked hand cuts but 750 cals!!!! Anyone with a clever hack please help a girl out. (Poutine is basically hand cut fries drenched in a delicious grave and covered in cheese curds, or whatever cheese you…
I am an early riser and do about 2 hours of hard cardio every morning, I feel great and I don't get hungry but I never make my calorie goals for the day. I've lost 6lbs in just under 2 months and I'm not sure that's gradual enough. I walked into the office this morning and near everyone commented on my weight loss, these…