Am I doing too much?

I am an early riser and do about 2 hours of hard cardio every morning, I feel great and I don't get hungry but I never make my calorie goals for the day. I've lost 6lbs in just under 2 months and I'm not sure that's gradual enough.

I walked into the office this morning and near everyone commented on my weight loss, these are people I see 5 days a week, it shouldn't be that evident to them.

My diaries are public. Any comments are welcome.


  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    My guess is you are petite. I am short and a little weight looks like I lost a ton. 1-2 lbs a week is perfectly fine
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Yeah, I'm 5'2"
  • Belinda170
    Belinda170 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't think so, it will slow down as you get closer to your goal. However, if I could get to two hours a day of a workout, I'd be set! That's awesome!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Just see it in the right perspective: The less you got to lose, the less you will lose in a week! I think you're doing just fine and if the exercises make you feel good, why not! I know they say you shouldn't exercise that much and it is not needed, but just like you I love my workouts.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am an early riser and do about 2 hours of hard cardio every morning, I feel great and I don't get hungry but I never make my calorie goals for the day. I've lost 6lbs in just under 2 months and I'm not sure that's gradual enough.

    I walked into the office this morning and near everyone commented on my weight loss, these are people I see 5 days a week, it shouldn't be that evident to them.

    My diaries are public. Any comments are welcome.

    have you thought about doing some strength/resistance training to help retain LBM?
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Thank you for all the input girls. I really DO feel great. i've been known to do 6 hours or more in the day back when I played sports regularly and competitively.

    You're all magical people for taking the time to virtually hold my hand

    I have thought about strenth but I bulk up really quickly so I'd have to lose the excess fat before I think of strength training
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Thank you for all the input girls. I really DO feel great. i've been known to do 6 hours or more in the day back when I played sports regularly and competitively.

    You're all magical people for taking the time to virtually hold my hand

    I have thought about strenth but I bulk up really quickly so I'd have to lose the excess fat before I think of strength training

    Losing weight and thus fat becomes easier when you do strength training, so I wouldn't wait if I were you. Strength training also doesn't have to mean bulking and looking like a body builder.
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Alright, I'll add some strength training to my day. See how it goes
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Doing 2 hours of hard cardio every morning can really raise your cortisol levels (stress hormone) and that is sign to your body to lose less weight. Maybe you'd be better off doing light cardio instead? :)

    Of course, if you're happy with what you're doing keep it up, feeling happy and healthy will benefit you greatly.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Alright, I'll add some strength training to my day. See how it goes

    You may gain a couple lbs at first, but that is not muscle mass, it is water retained in the muscle to protect them, once you get used to the workout your muscles will shed the excess water.

    It is difficult for women to bulk up due to testosterone levels, and in a caloric deficit (losing weight) it is next to impossible.

    I would say also switch some of your cardio to HIIT, only 20-30 minutes needed instead of 2 hours, unless you use the cals burned in order to eat more, but like you said if you are under your cals anyway, cut back on the cardio.
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Alright, I'll add some strength training to my day. See how it goes

    You may gain a couple lbs at first, but that is not muscle mass, it is water retained in the muscle to protect them, once you get used to the workout your muscles will shed the excess water.

    It is difficult for women to bulk up due to testosterone levels, and in a caloric deficit (losing weight) it is next to impossible.

    I would say also switch some of your cardio to HIIT, only 20-30 minutes needed instead of 2 hours, unless you use the cals burned in order to eat more, but like you said if you are under your cals anyway, cut back on the cardio.

    I actually don't need the extra cals, I've done HIIT before mostly the 2 hours is because I have a lot of time to kill in the morning and I just end up working out. I think I'll do the switch and some low impact activity (yoga or something) and strength for the extra minutes

    I don't mind gaining a few in muscle, I recognise the trade off in terms of metabolism and such.
    Thank you for the suggestions