Just thought I would start a thread to see how everyone is doing and wondering if anyone has been involved in any activism they want to talk about!
I saw Moonlight over the weekend and what a beautiful film it was. If you are looking to see a moving, artistically shot intense film with LGBT content check out the trailer and see if you looks like something you would want to see!
Would love to hear everyone's favorite recipe blogs. I really like: oneingredientchef crazyvegankitchen thefullhelping I wasn't sure if we are permitted to post links so I removed the "www" and the ".com" from the site addresses.
I was really happy to see that adidas is showing support for the community. This ad actually reminds me a lot of working out Witt my fiancé http://www.buzzfeed.com/jemimaskelley/adidas-just-perfectly-shut-down-homophobic-instagram-comment?utm_term=.enQjozy0M#.ctNq2aLBJ
Hello! I am new to MFP and excited to be part of a forum! I've been tracking calories off and on for quite a few years and I find that I feel most in control when I do. I used to teach fitness classes but took a more intense day job and had to stop. My goal is to get back into the same shape I was in when I was teaching,…