This is the greatest thing to have along in a large ziploc bag in the mini-van! It extends the range (number of miles) that you can drive before needing to stop and go to the bathroom. :happy: With all of the water I am drinking and my poor old bladder, it slows down my drive to visit #4 daughter in Chicago to stop and go…
Now that I am on MFP, I am spending too much time sitting down at my computer reading your great posts!!!!!! I think I need to hook up my computer to my treadmill ???
Any of you who are interested in pertinent, reader-friendly, even FUN info on nutrition, I have the best little magazine. It is "Nutrition Action Healthletter" which sounds much more stuffy and purely academic than it is (isn't)!! .:tongue: It is a small (16 pages) magazine put out 10 times a year, and has the most…