So at the end of my 2nd weigh in iv just weighed myself and nothing. i took a few readings lol just in case. i have lost an inch of my bum/hips so not all dissapointing but why is this. I exercised more this week and was sooo busy and ate really well no crap not too many carbs pleanty of protien and a rest day from…
I tend to workout before lunch or tea. Then I generally have salad or soup or somthing light that. I am trying to keep it low calorie, low fat and low carb. What do you guys eat for repairing your body after a workout for meals.
I'm hosting a halloween party with lots of food. I'm gonna get some diet and no added sugar drinks and i always have healthy food but my nan is making cup cakes and i make a mean choc brownie that my eldest daughter would like and i want to eat. Should I eat what I want at the party or keep in calories or have just a few…
my 2nd baby is 3 months bout time i got rid of this excess weight and stop using maternity clothes. i have some nice clothes i want to get bk in to. i want to be fit and healthy for my girls and feel great. i dont have a lot of time with two little ones so have to plan it well and on days im feeling awful its sooo hard.…