I just have to brag, I have been training for a 5k, and when I started I could hardly run a minute, I tried to run a half a mile a few years ago and literally felt like I was going to die, I never thought I could be a runner..but then I was running 1 mile, then 1.5 mile then 2, but its 3 weeks till my 5k and I hadn't gone…
Dumb it down for me
I am still so confused about calories in and calories out, I need someone to dumb it down for me. let me give you an example from today.. after my snack I had 400 calories left to eat for the day, I just went on a run (the couch to 5k program) and now i have 700 calories to eat for the day, do I then eat those extra 200…
Im scared!
I just finished my 30 day intense 1200 calorie diet, it was never intended to be long term, it was intended to be a strict plan that jump started my weight loss, trained me how to eat (by telling me exactly what to eat at every meal) and teach me not to snack mindlessly, now that the 30 days are over Its time for me to up…
You know you try diet after diet after diet and it never actually sticks, you think your eating well but your not counting the little bits here and there..I was there, they say everyone has that click where it just is time and theyre ready to start losing, I think Im there..I would love friends to help me on my way :) I…