Heyo! I’m Madi, a 22 yo vegan, college gamer nerd. I’m not very physically active outside of some light yoga. I do play sports... but it’s e-sports. I’m a D’va main so 1v1 me any day. That aside, I’m not entirely new to MFP, but I am new-ish to the forums. I’ve never really taken a liking to this sort of thing. However,…
Hello MFP people, Hi I'm Maddy and I have been on MFP for… well… at least a year. And I will admit I’m starting to lose my motivation. So, I am asking for new friends. Motivational friends who are active on MFP and are open to talking. :D
Okay so for the past month or so I've been doing really well eating right and exercising. However, lately I've been losing the drive to do either of those. I'm stressed with school, which is making me want junk food and to study my brains into oblivion instead of exercise. It doesn't help that I have also been avoiding the…
Hi guys, I just start MFP about three weeks ago and have been struggling to track everything I've been doing. Anyone else besides me start dieting and did really well then came to a stand still? I did. I lost 20lbs on my own. Then none for a whole month and a half so I decided to start tracking my food and exercise to try…