Just wanted to say hello!

Hi guys,

I just start MFP about three weeks ago and have been struggling to track everything I've been doing. Anyone else besides me start dieting and did really well then came to a stand still? I did. I lost 20lbs on my own. Then none for a whole month and a half so I decided to start tracking my food and exercise to try and get back on track!

Every has there goals and reasons for being on MFP and I wish you all good luck!


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Didn't reach a standstill, basically just quit caring :blushing:

    I'm back to it though!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    The dreaded 3 week mark! EXTREMELY common (Go check out Gyms on Jan 1 and Jan 30 -- then again on March 30)

    3 weeks. Its not 'fun' anymore and you don't see any changes yet so 'why bother'. You didn't put it on in 2 weeks so it won't all come off in 2 weeks.

    Keep on going!!!!! This is the first hurdle to jump!!!! you CAN do it! If you have to Want it. You have to look at your long term goals vs your short.

    Also, be sure to take pics of yourself and measure. The scale will not show all changes.

    Add me if you'd like
  • N3rdyBird_
    N3rdyBird_ Posts: 98 Member
    Way to keep going!