So I've lost a lot of weight, and I've managed to tone up pretty well, but anything that hasn't toned is just excess skin. I don't exactly enjoy having that hanging around when I want to wear clothes that it prevents me from wearing. So I was just wondering, because this is a big decision to make and I want to know from…
I've lost a dramatic amount of weight and I'm thrilled, don't get me wrong! But the last 20 pounds I'm learning are the hardest to lose and I feel stuck no matter the amount of time I spend working out or how I've changed my calorie counts to adjust to my changing shape. What are some suggestions for me from those who have…
It took a long time to find a before picture. I thought I got rid of all of them until my dad and hubby were looking through old pictures and started freaking out on me because of how much I've changed. I just saw the pictures this morning and - I won't lie - I started completely bawling! I cried because of how much I let…
Changing your life is a very difficult road to take, so of course it's always a blessing to have the ones you love the most back you up and support you on your journey. But when they scoff at you, criticize you for "ruining meals" because they're less caloric or a little more nutritional, roll their eyes at you when you…
I'm one of those people that had a really hard time kicking soda, and I can't stand diet soda for sure. So a nice substitute is using flavored carbonated water and adding a to-go packet of sugar free kool-aid. I use Great Value or Hawaiian Punch brand. They're only 10 calories for a full packet. So here are some…