Just throwing this out there? ANyone done the HCG drops or shots? Im trying to do the fashioned way the results Im seeing from folks are awesome. what you think?
Hi am a stay at home mom to little ones and could use my wiii and am interested in getting a workout type of game... Have any of you used the EA active, Jillian micheals fitness ultimatum, or the zumba? If so what are the likes dislikes etc...I dont want to innvest in soemthing thats not gonna get me results. Sometimes I…
:drinker: Hi there! I am a stay at home mom from Florida really needing to shed some pounds!! Its already quite warm here and cant deny its to warm to hide in sweaters or the same old FAT pants! My new son just turned one am I really desire to be in pictures with my boys and enjoy my summer! No more frumpy and grumpy!! I…