New Here!!

:drinker: Hi there! I am a stay at home mom from Florida really needing to shed some pounds!! Its already quite warm here and cant deny its to warm to hide in sweaters or the same old FAT pants! My new son just turned one am I really desire to be in pictures with my boys and enjoy my summer! No more frumpy and grumpy!!
I am currently doing the Eat Clean diet and keeping track on this website is so helpful!! I feel like I have no support some times from hubby or famly members who are fine with their weight and can wear other clothes. Not me... I go to the gym at least 3 times a week in the early morning before my boys all get up and now my kids are sick so Im stuck at home! I struggle everyday in my mind with the fact I didnt get to the gym cause my hubby worked late or my kids sick so we cant go out to walk or I snuck that bite of macaroni... So done with this madness! God helped me shed it all before (without kids and hubby) This obstacle is bigger and Iam always last to get help :) God is big enough and able to helpme over some this as well I know, how about you/?
I do have the wii fit but my older son gets on it and I get no time for myself to work out!! I know alot is food intake so with his Im trying to be careful and with you folks and this website can hold myself accountable!! My Wii fit scale says I weight 167 (dont have a bathroom scale) and my goal is 130 or 125. I want tbe able to wear a nice dress for easter this year as this is my wedding anniversary. I have to many clothes in my closet to be worn this summer and dont want to go buy new BIG ones I REFUSE!! Thanks for your support and look forward to meeting you all and learning from your lives as well.
God Bless!


  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome Beka!! This site will help u in so many ways if you stick to the plan. If you are stuck at home, u can still do exercise while the kids are sleep or early in the morning. I know, I have 5 kids. It is hard to fit ME time into your busy schedule. I do have to say that you need to build a habit or routine that your kids will know that when you are exercising, your not to be disturbed!! As far as the Wii, I would limit his time around your need. I have that battle also. Beka you can do this! Establish your goals. That really plays an important part on your success. Continue to reach out to others on this site. I know it has made a difference for me. I usually stay in the background of things. To do this I had to step up to the plate. If you want you can add me as a friend.