Wii workouts ? Have you used these any good?

Hi am a stay at home mom to little ones and could use my wiii and am interested in getting a workout type of game...
Have any of you used the EA active, Jillian micheals fitness ultimatum, or the zumba? If so what are the likes dislikes etc...I dont want to innvest in soemthing thats not gonna get me results. Sometimes I cant get to the gym so all I have is taking a walk or the wii burn some. Let me know!!


  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    I have Zumba for the wii and I love it!!! My only problem with it was the waist belt it came with wasn't big enough to fit around my hips (I have to wear it around my waist) so it isn't that accurate when I play it.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I own, and have used EA active. It really does get you sweating and it is a lot of fun since a of what you do is a "game." To be honest, I have not used it in awhile - I have been doing a lot of Jillian Michaels DVDs. She really kicks your butt!
  • lizzieballs
    I use EA Active for my Wii and i LOVE it!! its a quick workout that i can do while my little ones are playing, it doesnt take too long to get a good workout it, and i find that it burns good calories. Wii Active came recommended to me by my sister and she got amazing results. I have heard good things about the zumba, but i have no idea what it even is.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Wii Active is good for toning and alilttle cardio... Wii Zumba I havent tried but heard its alot of fun, I have Just Dance 1 &2 there lots of fun, you sweat and I burn about 90 cals in 15 mins...
  • SLMiddleton
    Due to my hectic schedule I also cannot get time out of the house to get to the gym, so I have been using the treadmill but doing a lot on the Wii as well. I have EA Active, which I really like, Wii Fit and I also just started with Biggest Loser as well which I am also enjoying.
    The EA Active and Biggest Loser are my fav's as you can set yourself up with as long of a workout as you like - mine are currently 20 mins. But it's enough for me for now and I really do 'feel the burn' by the time I am done!

    Good Luck!
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I have Zumba for Wii and love it. I did not know the band was supposed to go around the hips I always put it on my waste. I go to Zumba at my gym and the Wii Zumba is actraully close to some of my classes. I burn 350 calories in 45 min (per hrm after I subtract the calories I would have burned anyway in the 45 mins without doing anything).
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    i like jilliian michaels fitness ultimatum 2009 and 2010. i am planning to start using EA active 2 soon as i just got all the extra weights, etc that you can use with it.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    FYI You can google the calories burned for different games on Wii :)
    I like the dance games and they really make me sweat but I don't feel like "ugh it's exercise". I just bought Dance On Broadway and I'm addicted. When I get tired of it I'm trading my sister for "Just Dance".
    I haven't tried wii fit but a friend of mine said she has it and she actually prefers "My Fitness Coach" instead.
    Of my regular games boxing burns the most calories in 30 minutes.
    I use my wii on days I don't go to the gym.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    i did wiifit plus for over a month before joining MFP and I lost 9lb.

    i now have weights for controllers and have a riser on order to make the balance board higher.

    i have two kids and full time job, so no time to go to a gym either.
  • ErinMarie000Ayainna
    ErinMarie000Ayainna Posts: 20 Member
    I absolutely love the Wii it is so much fun and everyone can get involved! I have a 5 year old and a brother an sister in high school and we all get on the Wii and play Just Dance game. This game is amazing cause you don’t even realize your working out and you are having fun. So I put on my bros HRM one day we were playing and I burned 566 cal just in a short time! :bigsmile:
  • coulditbeg
    My girl (gunny34) uses Just Dance 2 for the wii. She loves it. Cranks up the music loud and follows the moves on screen. Each dance is like 3- 5 minutes and there are various levels from easy to hard. She takes a short break in between each dance and does a total of 3-4 songs.

    Its been successful and swiches up her routine
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Can you tell me about he HRM? How does it work and how do you know how many calories you burn?
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend the Gold's Gym Dance for wii. I have been doing it for a month now and have never gotten bored. There are all sorts of combinations you can do to keep things fresh- latin dance, reggae, salsa, cardio kickboxing, even rowing, boxing, sword fighting, jump rope, running and mini-games that never feel like WORK. It's all fun. I have lost 16.5 inches off my body in the past 2 months using just this and intervals with resistance bands.

    And I have all the other wii fitness dvd's too but like this one much more.
  • abillings9
    abillings9 Posts: 165
    I just bought Just Dance 2 for Wii and love it!!! I did a 55 minute 'workout' yesterday and burned almost 600 cals! It is so much fun!
  • bekachelsey
    bekachelsey Posts: 13 Member
    thank you! As busy as you are your doing it! Needed to hear that keep it up!
  • bekachelsey
    bekachelsey Posts: 13 Member
    I was unaware of hte diffrent kind and might get soemthing that my kids can do with me to! Thanks to you all
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I have the Zumba for Wii game and LOVE it. It seriously kicks my butt, but still manages to be a blast anyway. I like that I get more feedback as to whether or not I'm doing things correctly than, say, a DVD. It's not perfect motion capture, but much better than nothing. I also sweat like a really sweaty thing, and while I didn't ever take my measurements before starting Zumba, I've had to get all new pants since mine started falling off - especially in the butt area!
  • NanoReefDiver
    I Love Zumba for the Wii. Very addictive and gives a great full body cardio workout. I also tend to use Just Dance 2 and Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) Hottest Party 3 for my workouts.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    LOVED EA Sports Active 2. There is a 9 week program that can be set to easy, med, or hard. I've moved on to Insanity now. The moves from EA 2 are part of the Insanity program...Insanity just does them at 180 mph with few breaks. There is also a 3 week cardio kickstart program on there but I haven't done that one.

    I like the Zumba one too.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Couldn't live without my EA Sports Active 2. I just added in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd, just to change it up. My fav though is EA2. I completed the 9 week challenge, and will be starting up another one next week! I especially like that it is a different workout everytime!