So 2 years ago I broke my collar bone in a car accident, went to the doctor yesterday and found out it didn't heal correctly and I have to have a plate and screws put in. The doctor told me to take it easy on that area of my body, I have been exercising on it but it has caused discomfort and the bones have a little…
I drink a lot of water, 10 to 15 16 oz bottles on average a day sometimes more, the past few weeks I have been really tired and every now and again through out the day I will fell like I am just going to collapse. I am started taking a multivitamin and I take calcium daily. I guess my question is do you guys think I should…
I finally got a scale and was just wondering do you weigh meat before or after it is cooked?
I have read here and there that you can count green tea as your water intake. I have a sore throat today and have drank a ton of green tea and was wondering if I still need to get in 8 cups of water today? Thank you :smile:
Hello, I will start out by telling you all my story. I am a 25 year old stay at home mother of 2 wonderful boys. Growing up I never had to watch what I ate. When I got married in 2004 I was a size 3, found out in May of 2005 I was pregnant with our oldest, Kyle, at 10 1/2 weeks of pregnancy I had some complications and was…
I just thought I should finally say Hi all :) I have been using myfitnesspal for 3 weeks or so now. It has really helped me get a good start to losing weight and has given me encouragement to keep going.