water ?

I drink a lot of water, 10 to 15 16 oz bottles on average a day sometimes more, the past few weeks I have been really tired and every now and again through out the day I will fell like I am just going to collapse. I am started taking a multivitamin and I take calcium daily. I guess my question is do you guys think I should substitute a propel for some of the water I am drinking to see if it helps with my exhaustion? Or should I just go to the doctor?


  • suecq09
    suecq09 Posts: 36 Member
    Have you had your glucose checked lately? Go see a doctor. I was diagnosed with diabetes for much the same reason. I was exhausted all the time and was drinking MASS amounts of water/liquids a day.
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    You should check your sugar. Maybe your blood sugar is dropping. That happened to me. Are you getting enough calories in? If you know anyone who may have a glucometer I strongly suggest you have them take you blood sugar. Maybe a pharmacy can help you. Good luck
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    You should be able to get your glucose checked at a pharmacy I think. If you're thirsty all the time and can't go even a few hours without going to the bathroom definitely go to the doctor immediately. On the other hand, when my child was undiagnosed with diabetes (type I) he lost a ton of weight due to his body using his fat stores and muscle for energy since he couldn't get it from his food.
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I had my doctor check my sugar and a bunch of other things about 2 months ago, they all came back ok. I do use the restroom a lot but I just figured it is because I drink so much. I have been up 3 hours and have had 3 1/2 bottles of water already this morning. I recently raised my calories from 1200 to 1400 and eat back at least 1/2 my exercise if not all.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I drink a lot of water, 10 to 15 16 oz bottles on average a day sometimes more, the past few weeks I have been really tired and every now and again through out the day I will fell like I am just going to collapse. I am started taking a multivitamin and I take calcium daily. I guess my question is do you guys think I should substitute a propel for some of the water I am drinking to see if it helps with my exhaustion? Or should I just go to the doctor?

    Immediately go to your Doctor and tell him exactly what you have told everybody here because you could be suffereing from water intoxification (Hyponatremia), drinking TOO much water is just as bad as not drinking enough. Drinking too much water dilutes the sodium needed in your body and upsets the electrolytes in the body, the following is a description of some of the effects:

    Symptoms of hyponatremia include nausea and vomiting, headache, confusion, lethargy, fatigue, appetite loss, restlessness and irritability, muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps, seizures, and decreased consciousness or coma.

    Don't muck about here, you better get it seen to in case it is that.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Before saying it may be too much water, I'd ask what kind of climate you live in and how much working out do you do in a day?
    For example, I work out for about an hour every day in 70-80 degree weather.
    I need between 16-20 glasses (8 oz.) of water a day to keep myself hydrated properly. That's roughly 128-160 oz. of water.
    More than that is not necessary and my body wouldn't take well to it. More than 200 oz. is really not necessary.

    There was a hydration post yesterday talking about how much water you really need. The calculator was fairly accurate. Check that out and see if you are drinking too much water. If you are, I'd suggest cutting back on water and seeing if you feel better. If you do, there's your culprit. If not, talk to your doc.
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you everyone :happy: