Most decadent, rich, gourmet foods that I've cooked in the past have been very high in calories. It's been beautiful food, although I haven't made most of these foods for around a year. I would ideally like to return back to the gourmet, decadent foods, but do it in another way that it is very reasonable calories. I've…
Those of you who are prescribed medical marijuana for your illnesses, have you come across different strains that do not cause extra munchies? The only one I've personally come across is Trainwreck which is a Sativa strain, at least it doesn't cause extra munchies for me. Some other strains make me double fist food into my…
This feels pretty personal to me, but I really would like to reach out and ask if there is anyone that knows what this is like. Please be nice, I'm already upset over it. There are periods of time over the past several years where it seems one day I am completely physically unable to eat certain foods. Usually it's…