I've never liked eating breakfast, but I've been forcing myself to. I know 'they' say you should eat within half an hour of getting up to boost your metabolism. My problem is then I end up skipping my workout because I have to wait for my stomach to settle (it's not used to eating in the morning) - and the morning is the…
Rewind a month: I was drinking 6-8+ cans of diet soda a day (and had been for years - it was free!) and at least 2 Monster Low Carb or Absolutely Zero energy drinks. Now I've managed to kick the soda to the curb and replace it with water. The amount of aspartame I was consuming is thought to be the cause of the intense…
Vegetables are hard! Why did no one make me eat them as a child?! Seriously. The only veggies we ever ate growing up were canned corn and canned green beans. Now I'm an adult and vegetables make me gag. No, I'm not kidding you, as embarrassing as it is, it really happens. I like spinach. Tomato. Zucchini. That's it. I will…
I was really heavy, lost 114 pounds to end up at 138 back in 2006...and as I've put it back on it just feels like I'm wearing a fat suit. I'm ready to get rid of it, finally! My girlfriend and I just started a "Biggest Loser"-style challenge this past weekend, and so far, so good, but it's only day 3. I'm really hoping to…