One thing I've advocated for a very long time is that, within moderation, you can have very, very successful FAT (not weight) loss without being excessively strict. You will NOT have better fat loss because you are eating "clean" (which is an arbitrary, ambiguous word). This does not mean, of course, that you should eat as…
One of the most common threads on MFP is about whey, ranging from what type to how much to anything. If you want to know everything about whey, this is it. It's not short, so bare with me but you'll leave knowing too much about whey. I have bolded and underlined main topics, so if you want to skip over something then just…
So, I went to Wal-Mart and I nearly pooped myself when I saw it was 50% off every Easter chocolate. What did I do? Spend $25. Check out my chocolate spread: What did you guys buy?
In my continual efforts to help rid dietary ignorance from these boards and help liberate individuals from dietary restrictions and false ideals of what constitues "healthy," I present you with complex carbs! Yes, complex carbs. The heart and soul of "clean" (what a silly word!) eating. Advocated by all, understood by very…