I wan't to start eating clean but I don't have any idea where to start. I know fruits, nuts, meats, no process foods and stuff like that.... I just want to see someones meals for the day so I can get an idea how to get started.
I started running 4 months ago and I'm up to 3 miles. My question is how long should I rest between my runs? On some days I can run 3 miles no problem but on other days I'm lucky to get a mile or 2 in and I'm trying to go for 4 miles but I can't seem to get there. Am I doing something wrong?
I eat great during the day, good and healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks but soon as dinner time comes around I'm craving carbs like no other. Dinner is about 5:30 everyday for me and I'm like crazy for bread and noodles. I need some advice on what to eat 1 hour before dinner that keeps me from over eatting.