It is strange that there isn't a 2.5 lb plate to be found at my gym? I just finally gathered up enough confidence to wander into the free weights section at the very large, very expensive gym that I'm a member of. I did Stronglifts 5x5 with the bar (65 lbs on the row)... I was proud. As I was exploring I noticed there…
So I'm interested in starting weight lifting. I've got over 100 lbs to lose, but I figure, hey, can't hurt to start now (right?). Well, I'm super intimidated by the weight section at the gym so I thought I'd get a trainer to help show me around and get me acquainted. The trainer told me I needed to "build a foundation"…
I'm wondering if there are any out there who had success losing weight for their wedding? Mine is in about 14 months & I'd like to lose 80 - 100 lbs by then. Before and afters would be awesome! :wink:
SO I quit smoking 11/1/13 (just over a month ago) and I feel awesome and I'm happy and everything is going well. EXCEPT - I got on the treadmill last night for the first time since quitting and ended up having super bad breathing problems 6 minutes in. My lungs burned for almost an hour after. I have super mild asthma that…
I know how to cook a pretty limited number of things and I'd like to find some new recipes, so suggestions please!