I've been having less than 20 g carbs a day and my keto strip reads "small trace" is it suppose to go to the darker areas? have 90 + lbs to loose!!!
Bariatric surgery... to do or not to do?
I decided to have a gastric sleeve surgery. I have a 49.6 BMI!!! Now my wife and my daughter are ganging up on me telling me not to do it!!! I decided I'll give this three months to see if I can do it on my own. This is the most serious attempt I have done to lose weight in a few years.
quiting Atkins
I've been doing a lo carb diet (Atkins-like) for a month and have lost about 20 pounds, but I want to eat fresh fruit. Also, In January many in my church are doing the Daniel fast for 21 days and I would like to go along with them. My worry is that switching from low carb to more carbs I would gain weight instead of…