Squat Stands
Hi all! Happy holidays :-) I am thinking about getting a squat stand and have found this: Valor Fitness BD-9 Power Squat Stand on Amazon (http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B006CW02ZS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB). It is pretty reasonably priced (with free shipping!), doesn't take up a lot of space,…
Weigh In 3/13/2014
Lost 0.6 pounds this week--finally :smile: SW: 158 CW: 148.2 GW: 138
How Much Protein at a Time?
Recent recommendations call for 1.1-1.4 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (LBM) during caloric restriction. For me, I am ~151.8 pounds with ~27% body fat so that makes about 41 pounds of fat and 110.8 grams LBM. So, on a daily basis I should eat from ~122 to 155 grams of protein per day. Some studies I have read…
Recommendations for a New Bike for Me!
Hi Everyone! For the past few years I have been riding a Schwinn Comfort Series Bike. Its a good basic bike but is heavy, doesn't have good gearing, and is pretty slow. Last Summer I upped my mileage greatly. My average rides were from 50-75 km and I had several rides which were 100+ km including a 100 km charity bike ride…
Favourite Bike Training Videos on Youtube
Hi everyone! I just signed up for a 100 km bike ride at the end of the summer and am considering changing to the 100 mile option depending on how my training goes. Indoor training during the winter unfortunately is a necessity. My absolute favorite Youtube video is Cycling Interval Workout - 70 minutes.wmv by Tim Montag…