How do you feel about one piece of candy a day?
I have a bit of a sweet tooth and I noticed that right before I go to bed I start to get stomach grumbles and discomfort. Last night I was able to smooth my stomach and fall asleep by having one Starbrust. Now I know the whole "Candy is bad statement" but would eating one once a day kill me if it stayed under or near my…
Fruits and Veggies
What do you think about counting calories for fruits and veggies? I often find that the calories are high for most veggies and fruit. It kinda throws me off from eating them. Aren't they a good thing to eat. Should I even count the calories or is it a waste of time?
I need help
Well guys, I've been on and off this site for years. I've lost 30 pounds using this site before and I truly know it can work. I just have no personal strength. Now I'm back and heavier then I have ever been weighing in at 207 pounds. I really need support so maybe some of you can add me? I don't eat meat and I'm allergic…