Hi! I'm a first time mum and I'm looking for the wisdom of those who have been through a similar situation. I'm 5 months pp and ebfing my daughter, I'll start her on semi-solids next month. I started my pregnancy at 115lbs and gained 40lbs, though my daughter was just 5.5lbs. I lost 23lbs quickly however the rest seems to…
Hey! I don't know if I'm peculiar or if its common but I look waaay wider after my DD. I mean my tummy area was nice, no abs just toned with curves but now my torso looks like a barrel. It's got no shape or curve and my tummy skin is like jelly. My baby girl is almost 6 months old and I have about 20lbs to lose. Any…
I'm currently 5 months pp and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 weeks back. My family has a history of hypothyroidism and I was more than aware of being at risk. Thankfully my pregnancy was uneventful that way. Initially I lost weight quickly. Before I was pregnant I weight around 115 lbs and gained a total of 40 lbs. I…