Fast Food? Takeaways?
Is there any particular takeaway food anyone would recommend for LCHF? Housemates want to get pizza, which is obviously WAY out, but is there anything else I can safely eat beyond burger with no bread and salad?
Ketosis + fat/protein
How are you guys all checking ketosis? I'm doing the pee stick thingies, sounds like everyone else is checking by blood - how the heck do you do that? Also, I need some high fat/protein ideas... can't seem to hit my protein targets...
Foods you find you eat too much of?
I am finding myself eating so much ham, cheese, eggs, mayo and guacamole that it's unreal. Are any of these going to screw my diet up big time? (LCHF) I know I should be varying things, and I am putting cream in my coffee and trying to eat low-carb veg like broccoli as well, it just appears every meal of the day includes…
New Years Eve Alcohol
I'm not going to be able to resist. I'm only 3 weeks into the diet and have lost 3kg, and it's all going well, Ketostix showing what they're meant to, etc etc... I'm going to end up drinking tomorrow. What's the lesser evil? Vodka soda water or diet lemonade or something? :( At least there won't be too much of it - can't…
Hi, very new to this, veterans, help
Right, I'm doing the LCHF - I hope I've joined the right group! Half way through the first week and since for the last year or two I've pretty much lived on pasta & pizza, I have heartburn, a slight headache and my tummy feels a bit strange. Is this normal, and if so, any remedies to calm it down a bit? Am drinking loads…