I am going to Trader Joe's later today and I wanted to know everyone's good for you things they get there. Always looking for new foods to try. :)
What are some of your "must haves" from Trader Joe's (if there is one by you)? It's always better to shop with a list of things people say are yummy than just hoping they are. Thanks!
I have tried to track certain things and lately I have been looking at my sugar intake. MFP has me at a goal of 30 for the day for sugars. I'm planning on having 2 apples and those are 32 alone! How in the world do you eat well (fruits etc) and keep your sugar below 30? Yes I know fiber one brownies and vitatops have sugar…
I don't really understand where I fall in the activity level categories...... I sit most of the day so you would think sedentary but then I saw somewhere else if you are excercising moderately 3-5 times a week you fall into the moderate category. I do cardio (60 min) 5 times a week and strength training 45min-an hour 3…