New to strong lifts, some questions
Hey everyone, I've decided I want to start lifting and decided strong lifts seems like a good place to start. Finished my first day today! Anyone who wants to add me for support feel free to friend me :) Here is my questions, I used only the bar for all three exercises ( Squats, bench press and row). I had to use different…
Opinions of BOOT CAMP
So a friend of mine, who is really fit, joined a boot camp and it got me inspired. I looked online and found a 6 week program close to my house. It's one hour, 3 times per week for 6 weeks. But it's pretty expensive, around 220 usd (150 euros). So I'm hesitant. I am scared that i will pay all this money and then not get my…
How do I kick my addiction to crisps?
So I have this problem, that I've had for a while. I'm a bit embarassed about it, but I really want to kick this bad habit of mine, so any help is appreciated. I am seriously addicted to potatochips with dip. And I need loads of it. Like one entire bag of crisps and bowl of dip (adds up to about 2500 kcal). I need my…
MUST eat cookies at work.
So I am a social worker, working on doing family assessments.Hard work, but rewarding. One of the most crucial things for me to do a good job, and to help these children and families is having a good relationship with the parents. Which is VERY hard to do while criticizing someones parenting. I go on a lot of house visit.…
How to use smelly shea butter
So I recently came back from a trip to Africa, where I got try and make my own shea butter in the traditional way. I got a jar of it with me home. It is super for your skin, and feels so good. 100% natrual, organic, picked from the shea treas the day prior to my arrival, and refined using natrual processes. I love it.…