It doesn't appear that the daily goals for various nutrients change to reflect a percentage of calories consumed. Am I wrong? I have very active days where my calorie goal is 500 calories more then my baseline. I am also kinda wondering how many calories one has to consume to easily meet all nutrient goals. :-) I suspect a…
So, is it that there are in fact not a lot of foods with a notable source of potassium; or is it just one of the most under-logged nutriants going?
Hola, So I'd post this under Food and Nutrition but its so busy there and I doubt there is a fast answer this would be lost in minutes. So think about proper French Cooking. How do you track things like marinades where not all of the ingredients make it directly to the plate (cooked or otherwise)? Or what I'm looking at…
So last night I had the rare craving to go and finish off the end of the salad leftover from dinner. Now ignoring all that is potentially wrong with eating 400 calories outside of one's usual established patterns (so tasty though).... it was exactly at midnight. Which day would you log that under? Do you add it to the day…
Hola, I'm trying to retcon a lunch (so I can only vaguely guess amounts).... when the boss is buying you do not question too closely. But any idea what I can mostly closely equivicate guinea fowl sausage with?? (very tasty mind you....)