Hello. =) My husband and I recently joined this community. Like many couples, I'm looking to lose weight and he's looking to gain weight/muscle. I do the majority of the grocery shopping and cooking, and while he -can- be picky about certain things (like his hatred of corn,) he's completely on-board with our new healthy…
I'm FoogooFish, and I'm determined to get healthy and fit! When my now-husband and I first met over eight years ago, I had just returned from a six-month stay in England where I did little but eat Thornton's Vanilla Fudge. I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life when I met him. I started college, lived at home with…
(Apologies if this is a repost; I didn't see it on the first few pages of this forum!) I happened upon this article while reading the news earlier: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20140109/DAB7AA801.html Some of the nation's largest food companies have cut calories in their products by more than 6.4 trillion, according to…