It looks like the last post in this thread was in July. It would be great if it was because everyone in this group (300-400 Pound Club) lost so much weight that they don't feel like they belong in this group any longer. I wanted to post on in this group because I'm not sure if someone in their 20's that wants to lose 20…
I need to increase my activity level so I thought I would get a Fitbit (or something like it) to track my steps/activity and try to start building/increasing it. Currently the only 'exercise' I do is water aerobics so I was wanting something that worked in the pool. I am not big into technology. I cannot get one that works…
I did this last year and lost some weight. Hummm....then I quit. Today is a new day...and I'm up 15 pounds from when I quit. Starting a new weight loss program at work so I'm back on. I figure there are already people out there just like me. I'm looking for groups already created for people that need to loose 100 plus…
my sister and I usually go out for breakfast at a diner on the weekends. When we do this Then I skip lunch. Diner breakfast food can really add the fat and calories. (Food porn: 2 fried eggs, bacon, and 1.5 pancakes with butter and syrup). What would be some good choices?
Where is a good place to get PLUS sized swimming suits (above a 24). The place I use to get mine has closed and the one I use for water aerobics is extremely stretched. When I get out of the water it feels like it is going to pull off!