The LCHF Low-Carb & High Fat Zone group (a private/closed group on Facebook where messages are accessible only to members) is launching its first 4 Week LCHF Weight Loss Challenge from Sunday, July 6th to Aug 3rd, 2014. You can join the Challenge at: Event page: The LCHF Zone…
Hi... I'm from Canada ... on Day 44 on Keto way of eating! Based on 1600 calories, my macros ratio is: - Carbs: 5% (20g), - Fat: 75% (133g), - Protein: 20% (80g). I lost 15 lbs in first 14 days and lost an additional 11 lbs over the next 26 days for a total loss of 26 lbs in 40 days. Am not weighing myself daily as…