Cycling is my main firm of exercise along with Your Shape boxercise on the xbox. I occasionally do taekwondo and cross trainer / stationary bike at the gym but think I need to mix it up a bit as I struggle to get any consistency. I was thinking about running but have never been a comfortable runner. Was also considering…
What one or two things do you attribute you success to? I would be interested to see where the common ground is and also alternative approaches that I have not considered. Ta. Dagza
Hello, I am a little 39 year old fat English IT expert (steady girls!!) who is actually quite active with martial arts and cycling but needs to stop shoving so much crap down his throat. I could do with loosing another 3 stone but would be happy with 2 in the short term to take me down to 12 and 1/2 stone. The first 2 slid…