Hello, i am just wondering if its normal that the scale tells me i lost 21 lbs but the pictures of my body or even when i look in the mirror I don't notice it. I cannot tell you if old jeans fit me because i have none. I stopped wearing sized pants about a year ago because I was too fat to fit in any and I have no Idea…
Hello, my name is Valerie, i'm 20 years old and just 2 weeks ago my BMI (41) determined I was Mordidly obese, weighting in at 250 lbs at 5'5'' high. WOW, what a big slap in the face that was... All I can say is that reality set in and it finally made me realize, yes I am actually morbidly obese and I am one hamburger away…
HI, this is my second week on here and I've had alot of friends request during the past week offering me support and their friendship but i've come to realize not a lot are offering support. I really need this because in my day-to-day life there's not a lot of people who support me doing this. So i dont generally talk…
Hey guys! Im kinda having a hard time right now because my boyfriend wants to take me out to dinner. Now i have about 500 calories left for my daily allowance and I was wondering what i could possibly eat that would be under my limit and how I can track it in my diary afterwards. I also do NOT want to just take a salad.…
Hello, my name is Valerie, im 20 Years old and this is officially my second week of tracking my food and following my calorie limits. I say officially because the week before that I was in the transition of eating bad food( McDonalds 4X a week) to eating healthy . I have lost 10 pounds just in those 3 weeks but today…