What is something people say or do regarding healthy living / weight / fitness that is your pet peeve? I have two: 1) "X food is fattening"-- I don't know why but it irritates me every time! Almost EVERYTHING we eat could be fattening if you eat too much of it, just like pizza isn't necessarily fattening if you have one…
So, just curious-- anyone ever use video games for their exercise? I just got an Xbox one and JUST DANCE 2014 and set it for 20-30 minutes and holy crap do I sweat a lot and it is FUN! And even better, my 7 year old loves it and can join me.
So I've only been going to an actual gym for a week, and I like the variety or weight equipment. I do 3 sets of 10 reps on various machines. Right now I do my cardio first (30 minutes) and then 20-30 minutes of weight stuff. I plan to go to the gym Mon-Wed-Fri and either Saturday OR Sunday. Is there any evidence that…
Hi guys, Everyone says "I want to reach X weight," but the weight is more than a number-- it represents something bigger to us. I thought it would be fun to see what everyone is working for that has nothing to do with stepping on a scale and seeing the right number. What is one non-NUMBER goal you have? A fitness event?…