Just six months ago i had no chest i stayed dedicated and now i have my superman chest i cant believe it i never knew gaining muscle would be so easy if you motivated look at my profile pic just a few months ago i had noooo chest at all and i mean none its crazy
Just got a bucket of Amplified wheybolic extreme 60 trying to gain muscles and keep weight down is this any good
Hey whats up know theres no way to be completely accurate based on just pictures but i wanted to know if you guys could help estimate around what u believe my body fat Percentage is my goal is to get between 7-9% ...... Help me out what do u think more the better thanks .... my pic is my profile pic
Hey whats up guys i know theres no way to be completely accurate based on just pictures but i wanted to know if you guys could help estimate around what u believe my body fat Percentage is my goal is to get between 7-9% ...... Help me out what do u think more the better thanks my pic is my profile pic
How do u add pics to post