Hey everyone! I began running in April and I signed up for my first half marathon in October. I need some cross training to help me lose some more weight. Core strength is what I would like to focus on and I was wondering if anyone uses daily burn and if they like it? They don't seem to want to give you any information…
So I am in no way finished with my Journey. I have a LONG way to go. But when I started Paleo on January 1st 2014 I decided I would take monthly measurements to help keep me motivated. So here I am one month later and my results are awesome! I know not every month will be this great, but for those of you wavering, here are…
I have seen it talked about here and there, and I was wondering how people like it. I read a post on stupid easy paleo about it http://stupideasypaleo.com/2013/10/21/can-coffee-really-improve-health-meet-bulletproof-2/ . who drinks it, and if you do, do you feel better having that fro breakfast vs a green smoothie? I have…
Hey Guys! My husband and I started out the paleo lifestyle on January 1st. I know it's the ultimate cliche, the whole new year new you thing. But my husband went to the doctor in early december and he will be 30 in may, and the doctor was telling him he needed to cut out the gluten. He is had extremely high liver counts…