I've lost close to 30 lbs and some of my bones are getting more pronounced where before they were padded. My collar bone sticks out which I don't mind but my sternum is also starting to show and I'm not a huge fan. The problem is I still have about 30% body fat so I still have a ways to go. (When I measure using a tape and…
When I first started lifting weights DOMS would last about a week. Now it lasts 3-4 days and is not acutely painful, just a little sore. I know to wait 48 hours between working out with weights which is not a problem because I only do it 2x a week at this point but what about cardio? I'm trying to build up my endurance to…
I've recently started running. About ten seconds in, maybe even five, I'm ready to stop. But I keep going, chugging along at 4.8 miles an hour. I'll start thinking, "So I'm almost at a quarter of a mile which means I am only almost 7/8 of the way through this. I really want to stop!" The entire time I'm running that's all…