Boney sternum, body fat and weak muscles!

I've lost close to 30 lbs and some of my bones are getting more pronounced where before they were padded. My collar bone sticks out which I don't mind but my sternum is also starting to show and I'm not a huge fan. The problem is I still have about 30% body fat so I still have a ways to go. (When I measure using a tape and this calculator: I do lift weights and I know you can't spot reduce fat from your stomach and thighs but I was wondering if there is anything I can do. I do chin ups (assisted) but I really feel like I have such poor muscle tone I'm not even activating the right muscle groups for the exercise.


  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    You could try pilates to strengthen your core. Quite a few folks recommend it or yoga in conjunction with lifting. It is also thought to help make the body appear leaner through better posture and so forth.