At 20 years old I am: an active vegetarian of 4 years; an inconsistent vegan; an avid yogini; a recovering shop-a-holic (with the occasional,ok often, retail relapse); a student at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama...Yes I said Alabama. The irony here is that I am from Chicago, a hub a delicious vegetarian food & yet I…
What exactly is holistic nutrition? According to, "Proper Nutrition is the basis for optimum health and well being. Holistic nutrition is the modern natural approach to developing a healthy balanced diet while taking into account the person as whole." My First Detox My first encounter with holistic…
I started a blog this year to chronicle some of my achievements and struggles with eating healthy. I want to live the best life I can and want to motivate others too! Check out my blog: and let me know what you think :)
I just finished a new post on my blog: Let me know what you think!
Being a college student, naturally I am inclined to go out every once in awhile. Tonight we're going to one of my favorite bars--any suggestions for more "health conscious" drink options?
Check out my blog for some more inspiration!