Hello all, I have to go to La Tasca tomorrow for my lunch with some work mates and want to still be able to enjoy it without ruining my diet... Anyone know what the best options are on the La Tasca menu? Thanks! x
Hello all! I'm writing up my shopping list for next week and am getting sooo bored of eating the same things all the time... I need some inspiration... What are the staples that you have in all the time? I need snack ideas as that's where I always fail, something other than fruit but not too many calories/fat. And what are…
Hello all! This is my first day on the forums and reaching out for a bit of advice. Tomorrow I am having a very minor operation. However, I have been told that I am not allowed to do any exercise for a minimum of 10 days, possibly 14... I have only just refound the motivation to lose weight again after yo-yoing for the…