Ok so lots of you are talking about these Special K cracker Chips. Can you get them in Canada ? I cant find them and I really want to try them !
All I can say is that the amount of sugar in watermelon P*sses me off ! When did sweet cold watery fruit become so evil ? :(
What are some foods that you * thought * were healthy choices and then later found out werent ?
Is to much fiber a bad thing ? I seem to be going over my daily limit,but cant understand why that would be bad.
Gotta get out of these Maternity Jeans ! My babys 5 months old. Starting to worry that I might be wearing these jeans forever since I refuse to buy new clothes until ive lost weight . Im hoping to lose 60lbs . So I better get my butt moving and my mouth to stop chewing the wrong things ! Its gonna be a long journey . Wish…