Weight training routine... how's it look
So I posted last week or so that I was going to start my journey back to my old friend the gym with the help of Jillian Michaels. She's been with me for a long time... but for some reason after a couple videos after a hiatus I am just not feeling it. So, I decided to just go on back to the gym instead and leave Jillian to…
Fit to Fat, back to Fit. Soreness and other woes. Advice?
Ok. I am no stranger to working out. Once upon a time, I was a 4-5 day a week gym rat... mostly weight training. Since then I've been married, gone to school, and subsequently gotten a little fat and out of shape. I've lost about 25lbs on my own without doing much exercise. I have started working from home, and have been…
10 months from no running to half marathon?
Experienced runners, share your input! And anyone that has accomplished the impossible!