For the last 3 weeks I have been consuming 1000-1200 calories per day eating fresh fish salad and veg grilled chicken boiled eggs and water and earl grey tea I am doing per week about 2 hours cardio which is walking Have weighed myself and I have not lost 1 lb ???????
Someone please advise !!!! I started dieting 4 weeks ago i have weighed myself 3 times since dieting the first time was after 2 weeks of dieting and i had lost only 1 lb and week and a half later I had lost nothing it was the same !! This is genuine now...... today I weighed myself again and I have lost 9lb only 8 days…
Hi I have recently started a diet. For the last 2 weeks i have only eating vegetables, fruit, salmon, chicken grilled, tuna, boiled eggs, sparkling water and earl grey tea This is all my diet consists off no bread pasta nothing else. Is this healthy for me to liveoff or is there something I am missing out on ?