Reason to overeat are various and they fall in 2 categories: Knowledge and Trauma. For the longest time, I was overweight because I didn't know any better. I hadn't learn portion control, what is healthy and balanced eating, how to manage stress, listening to my body cues, etc. Now that I'm just above my healthy weight…
I think it’s time for my FitBit and I to break up. Although he was instrumental in getting me started to a healthier me, 15 months was how long it took him to have enough of me. He really was not made to come to work with me however, how good would he be if he was there for me all the time. He got one too many blow to the…
We all know the benefits of loosing weight. Here are my humoristic take of the down fall of loosing weight. Please feel free to add to my list. * the fear of loosing your pants in public is real * your spouse will not be able to keep their hands of you * your clothes 2 sizes too big will not protect you from your frisky…