I don't get it. Doing 45mins of cross country training on elliptical at highest resistance has me sweating bullets but I can push through relatively easy. 20mins of actual running sandy trails in my backyard has me winded but barely sweating and struggling to keep going. I don't understand which is right
What are some fun trail runs here & around San Antonio? Trying to stay off that hard pavement.
So the app tells me each day (estimates) that i souks weigh XXX amount in so many weeks. I started marking them on my calendar, but I'm not close to meeting them. I'm keeping to my calories and running whenever i can but I'm very dismayed and discouraged. Any ideas what I can do to get closer to those weights? Feel free to…
Hi peeps! Well, I am nearly done with the Couch to 5k plan. If you haven't heard about it, you can find more info here: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k-plan.aspx Anyways, the plan gets you from almost no activity to up and running 5kilometers over several weeks. (I admit that i worked my way through this…