I love a good Sunday roast, but obviously they are not the healthiest of meals about! I was wondering if there was still a way to enjoy one without them being too much of a treat?
I smoke and I smoke quite a lot unfortunately, I've been wanting to quite for a while now, but working as a waitress cigarette breaks are your only chance to get 5 minutes to yourself during a busy shift. Which makes it quite hard, what would you suggest as a good way to quit? I've been miserable for quite some time and…
Red bull is my weakness! I have been drinking it on and off for years and from about a year ago to about 2 months ago I was drinking about 4 cans a day, then I cut down dramatically to about 1/1 and a half cans a day. It was my crutch through a busy summer working in a seaside pub and it was doing me more harm than good! I…