Red bull! Kicking the habit!

Red bull is my weakness! I have been drinking it on and off for years and from about a year ago to about 2 months ago I was drinking about 4 cans a day, then I cut down dramatically to about 1/1 and a half cans a day. It was my crutch through a busy summer working in a seaside pub and it was doing me more harm than good!
I was jittery but also very sluggish, I was tired all the time and having the most dreadful mood swings and my teeth suffered so badly from the amount of sugar I was consuming!
Now I have cut them out completely for about 2 weeks now and I feel super! Full of energy, happy all the time and less clumsy! My problem is I'm afraid that I may have one can during a busy shift and BAM! Back to being super addicted to the horrible stuff!
Anyway I was wondering if anyone else has experienced my problem even if its just 1-2 cans a day because let's be honest any amount of the stuff is bad let alone the amount I was drinking!
Luckily now the mere smell of any kind of energy drink is enough to make me gag! I think this new energy boost and happier me is the motivation I need to keep it out of my life!